CHANDIGARH,02.08.21-SARAL means Easy and Dhanur means Bow. In Dhanurasana , the body takes the shape of a bow since this pose is for beginners (easy) who can not practice Dhanurasana , pose is called SARAL Dhanurasana or easy bow pose. This back bending asna having great benefits can be performed by all easily.

Lie flat on the belly with the legs and feet together and arms and hands beside the body.
Bend the knees and bring the heels close to the buttocks. Grasp the ankles with the hands.
Keep the knees and thighs firmly on the floor and the arms straight throughout the practice.
Place the chin on the floor. This is the starting position.
Tense the legs and push the feet backward while raising the head and chest as high as possible from the floor without straining.
Use the backward movement of the legs to assist the raising the body, allowing the back muscles to remain passive. In the final position the head is tilted back. Hold this position for as long as comfortable.
Slowly lower the chest and head to the ground by releasing the legs.
Relax in the prone position until the respiration returns to normal. This is one round. Practice upto 5 rounds.
Inhale deeply in the starting position. Retain the breath inside while raising the body. Breathe deeply and slowly in the final position. Exhale while returning to the starting position.
PHYSICAL AWARENESS on the abdominal or back regions or on deep breathing in the final position. SPIRITUAL on VISHUDDHI CHAKRA.
NOTE This is a preparatory asna for beginners and also for those with stiff back who are unable to perform Dhanurasana.
Same as for Dhanurasana but at lower levels. It is useful for lower back pain due to slipped disc or cervical spondylitis when it can be performed without discomfort. It tones the heart and lungs and is beneficial for respiratory disorders. It helps to improve the posture.

Naturopath & Yoga Therapist
Chairman Chandigarh Yoga Association
( Affiliated to Yoga Federation Of India)
M -9815992473, 8800000330.