CHANDIGARH,12.06.21-As we are aware, yoga is very effective in keeping mind body and soul perfectly healthy. Like any other body part, eyes too need certain exercises to keep away the strain. Here are a few of the sumple exercises which make the eyes healthy and stress free.

BLINKING- This is the simplest but most effective exercise to reduce eye strain. In this computer/ mobile age , we forget to blink our eyes while staring at the electronic device such as computers/ mobiles. Blinking keeps the eyes lubricated, clean and moist. Blinking allows us to keep the eyes refreshed and maintain focus for longer. For this one needs to sit in any comfortable position of stand with back, neck and head in a straight line. Blink the eyes for 2 minutes without moving the body.
PALMING - It is best exercise to soothe the eyes. This is good especially for those who are required to sit before computer screen for a long. The pressure of hands in this exercise relieves the muscle strain
Sit in any comfortable position or even on a chair
Close your eyes. Place your hands on the eyes.The palms should cover the eyes, the fingers on the forehead and the base of the palms resting on the cheekbone.
Do not put much pressure on the eyes. Ensure that the eyes can blink freely.
Do it for 2 minutes. Repeat it two to three times a day.
Also, you can rub your palms to make them warm and then put them on the closed eyes to relax the eyes. This can also be repeated 3-5 times.
EYE ROLL/ EYE MOVEMENT- This is very useful in alleviating eye strain. Regular practice of this exercise is a great workout for eye muscles
which helps in building strength of eye muscles.
Sit in any comfortable asna with back , neck and head in a straight line and shoulders relaxed.
This can also be performed in standing position. Look to your right and roll your eyes up towards sky.
Roll your eyes down to the left and then to the ground without moving your head. The eyes should be moved as far as possible. Do it ten times.Take your time and the eye movements should be slow and rhythmic.
Repeat it ten times in opposite direction

Dr M K Virmani( NDDY)
Chairman Chandigarh Yoga Association
Vice President Yoga Federation of India
Mobile 9815992473,8800000330