The Reserve Bank Ombudsman Office Chandigarh and SBI held an awareness camp for Integrated Ombudsman Scheme and Cyber Frauds on March 09, 2023 at Post Graduate Government College, Sector 11, Chandigarh. About 200 students and 15 staff members of the college participated in the event. The event was organized under the aegis of G20.

The participants were briefed about the Internal Grievance Redressal System (IGR) of financial institutions and the Alternative Grievance Redressal System (AGR) of the Reserve Bank. The participants were also informed that complaints regarding deficiency in services of entities regulated by the Reserve Bank may be lodged on under RB-IOS 2021 or forwarded by post to Central Receipt and Processing Centre, Reserve Bank of India, Central Vista, Sector 17A, Chandigarh-160017. Along with this, the participants of the program were told through various videos how to be careful in financial transactions and be alert to attractive offers of fraudsters. Participants were advised not to share confidential information related to their bank accounts, OTP, UPI, ATM PIN, CVV etc.

A quiz was also organized in the program, in which the students participated enthusiastically. The level of financial awareness of the students was found to be good.

The programme was mainly addressed by Smt. Narinder Kaur, Assistant General Manager, Reserve Bank and Shri Rajiv Ranjan, Assistant General Manager, State Bank of India. The programme was highly appreciated by the participants.