Chandigarh February 10, 2024
Senate Meeting (hybrid mode)
February 10th, 2024
1. I welcome all the Members of Senate and wish a very Good Morning to all.
2. I am pleased to inform the honourable members of the Senate that:-
i) Prof. Bhupinder Singh Bhoop, UIPS has been conferred upon the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Punjab Academy of Sciences for contribution in the field of Sciences, especially, Pharmaceutical Sciences, on development of novel nanostructured systems of drugs using Quality-by-Design, at the inaugural function of 27th Punjab Science Congress held on 7th February 2024, at Desh Bhagat University, Mandi Gobindgarh (Punjab).
ii) Prof. Rohit Sharma, Project Leader, BioNEST, Panjab University, has been invited by Government of India as a ‘Distinguished Guest’ to the Republic Day Parade on 26th January 2024 for making substantial contributions in the field of science and technology and raising the stature of India, globally.
iii) NSS volunteer of Panjab University Ms Pooja for the first time represented the NSS contingent as a Deputy Commander on the Republic Day Parade on 26th January 2024.
iv) Prof. Madhu Raka, Former DUI, has been unanimously elected President of Indian Mathematical Society (IMS) for the year April, 2024 - March, 2025.
Chandigarh February 10, 2024
PU Senate Meeting
Panjab University Senate in its meeting held today deliberated on all the agenda items and few of them which are approved are as under:
The Senate approved the recommendations dated 4.10.2023 of the Board of Finance.
The Senate approved the various cases of Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) promotions.
The Senate approved the promotion cases of Technical Officers-III (System Manager) to Technical Officer-IV (System Administrator).
The Senate approved the recommendations of the Regulations Committee dated 18.8.2023.
The Senate approved the recommendations dated 2.5.2023 (Item no. 24 & 27 (ii)) of the Executive Committee of Panjab University Sports Committee (PUSC).
The Senate approved the recommendations (No. 5,20,25,32 and 33) of the Executive Committee of PUSC 11.9.2023.
The Senate approved the introduction of one year LLM Course at Panjab University Regional Centre, Ludhiana w.e.f. the academic session 2023-24.
The Senate approved the recommendation of the Committee dated 28.8.2023 for appointment of Professor of Practice in Panjab University.
The Senate approved the recommendations 1,2,3,6,8 and 9 of the Advisory Committee of Panjab University Extension Library, Ludhiana dated 28.12.2022.
The Senate approved the adoption of National Higher Education Qualifications Framework (NHEQF), as per the communication received from UGC vide D.O.F. No. 15-2/2021(QTP) dated 11.5.2023.
The Senate approved the designation of Senior Medical Officer to Dr. Rupinder Kaur, Medical Officer (given charge of CMO), BGJ Institute of Health, P.U. w.e.f 6.3.2023.
The Senate approved the notification dated 30.06.2023 of UGC w. r. t. the amendment (minimum qualifications for appointment of Teachers and Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and other Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education), Regulations, 2018.
The Senate approved the enquiry report dated 06.03.2023 submitted by
Shri Jagroop Singh Mahal, Chairman of the Enquiry Committee regarding complaints received from Komal Kumar, Govt. Contractor.
The Senate approved the enquiry report dated 02.11.2022 submitted by Shri Jagroop Singh Mahal, regarding complaint received from Sh. Sanjay Walia of M/S Powerlite Electricals against Sh. Kulwant Singh, SDE (Electrical), Construction Office, Panjab University.
The Senate approved the communication of the Ministry of Human Resource Development dated 08.01.2020 regarding interest on employees’ own contribution towards Provident Fund w.r.t. those employees who continued beyond the age of 60 years.
The Senate approved the webcast of proceedings of the Senate meeting, raised by one of the Fellows during Zero Hour in the meeting of the Senate dated 19.02.2023
The Senate approved the faculties opted by Sardar Amritpal Singh Sukhanand, MLA, S. Ranbir Singh Bhullar, MLA, Shri Honey Thakur, President, PUNTEF & Dr. Amarjit Singh Naura, President, PUTA, Fellows.
The Senate approved the recommendation of the Committee dated 25.08.2023 for finalization of Examination Fee and all other related charges for the session 2023-24 for a period of one year.
The Senate approved the adoption of the UGC directions, (Prevention, prohibition and Redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in HEIs) Regulations, 2015 as per act in Toto.
The Senate approved the draft Policy Against Sexual Harassment (Rules & Procedures), Panjab University, Chandigarh as per act in Toto.