Jalandhar, 30.04.24-: The School of Computer Application at Lovely Professional University (LPU) organized its 2nd International Conference on Networks, Intelligence and Computing (ICONIC-2024) at the Shanti Devi Mittal Auditorium. Organized as Bartik 100, the conference marked the 100th birth anniversary of Jean Bartik, who was one of the original six programmers for the ENIAC- the first computer of its kind. She began work at the University of Pennsylvania, first manually and then using ENIAC to do so. Bartik and her colleagues developed and codified many of the initial fundamentals of programming while working.

Dr Radu addressed the conference as keynote speaker. While talking with the hundreds of students attending the conference from across India, Dr Radu talked about sustainable computing by illustrating all about new developments in information technology. A PhD in Computer Science from the University of Innsbruck, Dr Rado’s current research interests include parallel and distributed systems, cloud computing, high performance scientific computing and software tool optimization.

Held in hybrid mode, the conference provided a common platform for the scientists, researchers, academicians, industrialists, and students to assimilate the knowledge. LPU’s Pro Chancellor Smt. Rashmi Mittal inaugurated the conference by releasing an abstract book. On this occasion Mrs Mittal was accompanied by LPU’s Vice-Pro Chancellor Prof Dr LR Gupta and Austria’s Prof Dr Radu Prodan from the Institute of Information Technology, University of Klagenfurt.