CHANDIGARH, 29.04.24-Today i.e. on 29.04.2024 Road Safety Awareness Cell of Chandigarh Traffic Police conducted a Road Safety Awareness Session for the students of Centre for Public Health in their department at University Institute of Engineering and Technology (UIET), Sector 25, Chandigarh about Traffic rules and Regulations.

This session was organised with the support of Dr. Komal Sehgal Coordinator of centre for Public health, Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma, Asstt. Professor of Centre for Public health, Dr. Hitesh Kapoor Coordinator Road Safety, UIET Sector 25.

During this session, 50 students (Boys & Girls) and 06 professors/faculty members were awared about the provisions of Motor Vehicle Driving Regulation 2017, Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Act 2019 and CMVR 1989. Special emphasis was given on the use of safety gadgets i.e. safety headgear (helmet) by two-wheeler riders, seat belts by the driver & co-passengers in motor vehicle, use of zebra crossing markings and how to cross the road safely and the role of the Good Samaritan for helping the road crash victims to save precious human life. Besides this, special emphasis was given on importance and impact of Lane Driving & how lane driving can reduce traffic congestion and stream line the traffic flow. Furthermore during the session, students were awared about various road safety issues alongwith Impact and Importance of various issues for their own safety as well as for the safety of other road users which are as under:-

 Importance and Impact of wearing of safety Headgear “HELMET” of Good quality of ISI Mark and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) quality, by the two wheeler driver and pillion rider above the age of 04 years as it protect the Head from Injuries in road crashes and save precious life.

 Importance of Pedestrian Zebra crossing and how to cross the road safely from zebra crossing.

 Importance and Impact of rear view Mirror before Lane Changing, turning Right and Left to avoid Collision and for one’s own safety and safety of other road users.

 While waiting on “Red Signal keep the Engine Off” to save Environment from vehicular pollution and to save fuel.

 Impact and usage of Mobile phone while driving Motor Vehicle, while Cycling and Pedestrian which causes distraction and result into road crashes or any other untoward incidents.

 Importance and Impact of wearing seat belt by LMV user i.e driver, beside co-passenger and rear seat passengers which protects the person wearing Seat Belt from severe body injuries.

 Importance of Road Signages & Road Markings and Traffic light signals.  Impact of Drunken driving.

 Unnecessary honking and its effect, No honking specially near the Hospitals, Educational institutes and Courts .

 Students were awared to use the cycle track while cycling for their own safety.

 Importance and Impact of Lane Driving “Lane Driving is Sane Driving” and Lane Driving avoid traffic congestion and stream line the traffic flow.

 Give way to Emergency Vehicle i.e. Ambulance, Fire Tender and Police Vehicles on Emergency duty.

A pledge was also administered to all the participants & faculty members to follow the traffic rules and regulations for their own safety and safety for other road users and to enact as a good Samaritan to help the road crash victims at the spot and to ferry road crash victims to nearby Hospital to save the precious life. Chandigarh Traffic Police appeals to all the citizens to follow and obey traffic rules & regulations for their own safety and to save the precious lives and to make the roads more safer for road users.