Chandigarh Police achieved a major success when the police team of Police Station Sector-39, under the directions of Ms. Kanwardeep Kaur, IPS W/SSP and Sh. Mridul, IPS, W/SP City under the supervision of Sh. Charanjit Singh Virk, SDPO/South West, & Inspector Chiranji Lal SHO/PS Sector-39 constitute a team comprising SI Narinder Singh & worked out a sensational case of theft which was registered on 28.07.2024 vide FIR No. 117 Dt. 28.07.2024 U/S 305(A), 331(3) BNS added 317(2) BNS in this P.S.
The guidelines/directions followed by the team resultantly police party of police station Sector-39, Chandigarh busted the thief and workout the above sensational case. The brief of the case is as under:-
FIR No 117 Dt. 28.07.2024 U/S 305(A), 331(3) BNS added 317(2) BNS PS-39, Chd
This case was registered on the Complainant of Sh Raj Kumar in which he reported that on 28.7.24 at about 7 AM, while he had gone to market for purchasing milk. After 10 minutes when he returned to his house, he found that his mobile phone make Realme C-23 Golden Colour was not in the room and had been stolen by someone
During the course of investigation, accused Ravi Negi S/o Sohan Singh R/o# 721, Vill. Burail Chd age 22 yrs arrested & twelve (12) android Mobile Phones have been recovered on his instance.
On preliminary investigation, it has been emerged that above accused also found involved in two more mobile theft cases.
- 1. FIR No 80 dt 26.05.2022 u/s 380, 411 IPC PS-39
- 2. FIR No. 121 dt 20.07.2023 u/s 380. 411 IPC PS-39
Profile of accused
1) Name: Ravi Negi Father’s Name:- Sh. Sohan Singh, Mother-Expired # 126, Vill Buterla, Sec-41B Chandigarh, Age- 22 years, 9th Pass, Occupation Labour,
Today accused is being produced before the Hon’ble Court and is being sent to judicial custody.