Mumbai, May 13, 2024: Seema Singh, a businesswoman and social activist, hosted "Inspiring Mothers 2024" on the occasion of Mother's Day through the Meghashreya Foundation. Seema Singh, Dr. Megha Singh, and Shrey Singh spoke about education, health, and service on this particular occasion. Shrey Singh and Dr. Megha Singh led a panel discussion on Mother's Day as part of this program.

IPS Aarti Singh, Dr. Priya Kulkarni, Mrs. Lalita Babar, Dr. Reshma Pai, IRS Bina Santosh, Madhu Bohra, Manju Lodha, Dr. Manushree Patil, Doshivani Patil, Roma Singhaniyan, Dr. Minnie Bodhanwala, Dr. Shivani Patil were awarded at the Inspiring Mothers 2024 function.

On this occasion, Seema Singh says, “Through Inspiring Mothers 2024, it is a very important opportunity for Meghashrey Foundation to honor women who have done remarkable work in various fields. I organize various programs for needy children in many parts of the country and want to organize welfare programs for the underprivileged and needy children on a large scale in the society”.