हरियाणा के मुख्यमंत्री श्री मनोहर लाल चण्डीगढ़ में हाई पावर परचेज कमेटी और हाई पावर वर्क्स परचेज कमेटी की बैठक की अध्यक्षता करते हुए


Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra: Chief Minister Manohar Lal's tireless efforts yielding positive transformation

Citizen issues resolved instantly by integration of Yatra with Jan Samvad

On the sixth day, Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra reaches 113 Gram Panchayats/Wards with over 54,000 participants in diverse programs

Chandigarh, Dec 6 – In Haryana, people are directly getting benefits from the schemes of the state government led by Haryana Chief Minister Sh Manohar Lal, aimed at the welfare and upliftment of the exploited, deprived, and needy. Along with the guarantee of Prime Minister Sh Narendra Modi, now the guarantee of Chief Minister Sh Manohar Lal is also being given in Haryana, ensuring that the rightful entitlements of eligible beneficiaries will remain secure. In addition, the Manohar government has charted a new initiative by integrating the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra with Jan Samvad. This initiative, commenced with the objective of extending the benefits of both central and state government schemes to citizens who were previously overlooked for various reasons, is reshaping the landscape of welfare in the region.

On one front, the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra is facilitating the immediate provision of scheme benefits to citizens, and on the other front, concerns and issues raised by the public are being promptly addressed through jan samvad. The relentless efforts of the Manohar government in this regard have garnered widespread appreciation. As evidence of its impact, even on the sixth day of the Yatra, which covered 113 Gram Panchayats/wards in Haryana, approximately 54,000 individuals actively participated in programs held across various locations. They pledged their commitment to contribute towards the vision of making India a developed nation.

Over 13,500 individuals undergo Health Checkup in 1120 Health Camps

Adhering to the principle of "Sarve Bhavantu Sukhin: Sarve Santu Niramaya," the Manohar government is providing better healthcare for the citizens of the state. As part of this commitment, health check-ups for individuals are conducted throughout the yatra. On the sixth day alone, approximately 13500 people underwent health check-ups at 1120 health camps. Additionally, about 8200 individuals were screened for TB, aligning with the Chief Minister's vision of fostering a healthy Haryana. Furthermore, around 300 beneficiaries were also presented with Ayushman cards under the Ayushman scheme, contributing to the broader goal of extending healthcare support to those in need.

Street vendors are being made self-reliant

Haryana is actively capitalizing on the PM Swanidhi scheme, initiated by Prime Minister Sh Narendra Modi, aimed at economically empowering street vendors. Through the consistent organization of PM Swanidhi camps during the Yatra, comprehensive information about the scheme is being disseminated to street vendors. This ensures that they are well-informed and can avail themselves of the benefits of the scheme to achieve self-reliance. On the sixth day alone, around 400 vendors were apprised of the scheme, and subsequent steps are underway to facilitate loan provisions through banks for their economic upliftment.

Meritorious students are being honored

Amidst the Vikit Bharat Sankalp Yatra, not only are people being informed about various schemes, but also students and individuals who have made noteworthy contributions are being recognized for their efforts. This acknowledgment aims to highlight and give significance to their role in nation-building. In continuation of this initiative, on the sixth day, over 1000 meritorious students, around 550 women engaged in social work with a spirit of service, approximately 150 local athletes, and more than 100 folk artists were honored. The recognition of these individuals serves as an inspiration, motivating others in society to make their unparalleled contributions towards the betterment of the nation.


CM nod to construction of a new 3.8 km long road along India’s first elevated Railway track in Rohtak

The decision is set to benefit over 50,000 residents

Chandigarh, December 6 - In a major stride towards bolstering connectivity and infrastructural development in Haryana, CM, Sh. Manohar Lal gave administrative sanction of Rs.21.27 crore for the construction of a new road alongside the elevated railway track in Rohtak District which was built at the cost of Rs. 315 crore.

This ambitious project, spanning a substantial 3790 mt length & 5.5 mt width will be completed in 9 months and would provide seamless connectivity for the residents of Rohtak.

The spokesperson informed that the new road, commencing from Chinyot Colony and extending to Sector-6 will benefit over 50,000 residents. It will seamlessly connect various colonies, including Gandhi Camp, Jhang Colony, Mansoraver Colony, Subhash Nagar, Kishanpura, Model Town, Laxmi Nagar, Kabir Colony, Vishal Nagar, Sector-5, and Sector-6.

It may be recalled that the 3.8 km long elevated tracks in Rohtak was India’s first and was built at the cost of Rs. 315 crore by the Ministry of Railways out of which Rs. 225 crore was contributed from State share.

He said that Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal underscores the strategic importance of this project, emphasizing its role in fostering economic development, enhancing connectivity, and elevating the overall quality of life for the residents of Rohtak District.

This transformative endeavor aligns with the government's commitment to infrastructural excellence and socio-economic progress, marking a significant leap towards a more connected and prosperous Haryana, spokesperson added.


Haryana Government Launches Good Governance Awards Scheme to Recognize and Reward Excellence

Chandigarh, December 6: Haryana Chief Secretary, Mr. Sanjeev Kaushal today disclosed that the state government has notified the Haryana Good Governance Awards Scheme 2023 (Haryana Sushaasan Puraskaar Yojna, 2023).

Mr. Kaushal said that the Haryana Good Governance Awards Scheme is designed with specific objectives in mind, including the recognition and rewarding of outstanding contributions to good governance. Additionally, the scheme aims to foster an environment that encourages innovation and creativity in government work, ultimately promoting best practices in governance. The overarching goal is to raise the overall quality of public service delivery in the state.

Mr. Kaushal said that the scheme will apply to all employees in Groups A, B, C, and D across various departments, boards, corporations, statutory authorities, missions, societies, institutes, universities, and public sector undertakings under the State Government. However, the scheme excludes Administrative Secretaries, Heads of Departments, All India Service Officers and Contractual Manpower.

The awards will be given at state and district level. State-level awards will be given for outstanding contributions at the state level, while district-level awards will be given for exceptional work at the district level. The awards will consist of a trophy, appreciation certificate, and cash prize. Applications for the awards can be submitted by individual employees, teams, or officers. The State Government has instituted the Good Governance Awards to recognize and reward outstanding contributions to good governance initiatives at the state and district levels, reads the notification.

State Level Flagship Scheme Awards

The State Level Flagship Scheme Awards will honor exceptional contributions to flagship schemes implemented by the state government. Winning teams will receive a trophy, an appreciation certificate signed by the Chief Secretary, and a cash reward of Rs. 51,000 per flagship scheme. The cash reward will be distributed equally among team members, regardless of rank or status.

State level Awards

The State Level Awards will recognize exceptional performance in various initiatives and schemes at the state level. Winning teams will receive a trophy, an appreciation certificate signed by the Chief Secretary, and a cash reward distributed as follows: 1st prize of Rs. 51,000, 2nd prize of Rs. 31,000, 3rd prize of Rs. 21,000. As with the Flagship Scheme Awards, the cash reward will be distributed equally among team members.

District Level Awards

The District Level Awards will recognize exemplary contributions at the district level. Winning teams will receive a trophy, an appreciation certificate signed by the Divisional Commissioner based on the recommendation of the Deputy Commissioner, and three cash prizes including first prize of Rs. 31,000, second prize Rs. 21,000, and third prize Rs. 11,000 will be distributed equally among team members.

To ensure transparency and fairness, the trophies and appreciation certificates for the District Level Awards will be provided by the Deputy Commissioner of the district using their own allocated budget. The General Administration Department will reimburse the budget for the cash awards to each Deputy Commissioner.

A maximum of six flagship schemes will be recognized at the state level, while six awards will be distributed at the state level. Three awards will be given for exceptional performance at the state level (1st, 2nd, and 3rd positions), and three awards will be given to the top-three performing districts based on the scoring parameters.

Applicants can submit their applications to either the 'Empowered Committee' or the 'District Level Empowered Committee.' The application form is conveniently available both online and at the respective committee offices. The last date for the submission of applications is December 15, 2023. Following this, the finalization of recommendations for awards will be completed by December 20, 2023. The grand awards ceremony is scheduled to take place on Governance Day, which falls on December 25, 2023. The applicants can be individual employees, teams, officers, or groups of employees. Applicants are required to submit their applications to the "Head of Office," "Head of Department," or "Administrative Secretary." Subsequently, these designated authorities will forward the applications to either the 'Empowered Committee' or the 'District Level Empowered Committee.

List of Sectors, Sub-sectors, and Subject Areas include:

Economic Sector

The Subject areas of Commerce and Industries under Economic Sector includes Ease of Doing Business, Growth of Industries, Growth in MSME Establishments.

The Subject areas of Agriculture & Allied Sectors under Economic Sector includes Growth Rate of Agriculture and Allied Sector, Food Grains Production, Horticulture Produce, Milk Production, Crop Insurance.

The Subject areas of Environment under Economic Sector includes availability of State-level Action Plan for Climate Change, Change in Forest Cover.

The Subject areas of Economic Governance under Economic Sector includes Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) Growth Rate, Growth in Per Capita Income, Fiscal Deficit as a Percentage of GSDP, State’s Own Tax Revenue Receipts to Total Revenue Receipts, Debt (Total Outstanding Liabilities) to GSDP.


The Subject areas of Public Infrastructure & Utilities under Infrastructure sector includes Access to Potable Water, Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), Towns Declared ODF, Villages Declared ODF, Connectivity to Rural Habitation, Access to Power Supply, Availability of 24X7 Power Supply, Energy Availability Against the Requirement, Growth of Per Capita Power Consumption.

Social Sector

The Subject areas of Human Resource Development under Social Sector includes Quality of Education, Retention Rate at Elementary School Level, Gender Parity, Enrolment Ratio of SC and ST, Skill Trainings Imparted, Placement Ratio Including Self—employment.

The Subject areas of Social Welfare under Social sector includes Sex Ratio at Birth, Health Insurance Coverage, Rural Employment Guarantee, Unemployment, Housing for All, Economic Empowerment of Women, Empowerment of SCs, STs, OBCs, and Minorities, Disposal of SC/ST Atrocity Cases by Courts, Rights and Protection of Children.

The Subject areas of Citizen Centric Governance under Social sector includes Number of Services Provided Through Electronic Format.

The Subject areas of Judiciary and Public Security under Social sector includes Conviction Rate, Availability of Police Personnel, Population of Women Police Personnel, Disposal of Court Cases, Disposal of Cases by Consumer Courts.

The Subject areas of Public Health under Social sector includes Operationalisation of 24X7 Facility at PHCs, Availability of Doctors & Paramedical Staff at PHCs, MMR (Maternal Mortality Rate), IMR (Infant Mortality Rate), TFR (Total Fertility Rate), Immunization Achievement.


Chief Minister initiates Swachh Bharat Abhiyan enhancement with formation of Urban Local Bodies Flying Squad

Action against contractors who make irregularities in weighing solid waste

Chandigarh, December 6 - Haryana Chief Minister, Sh Manohar Lal, has decided to establish a Flying Squad in urban local bodies on the lines of CM Flying Squad to take strict action against such contractors who make irregularities in weighing solid waste. The Chief Minister has already launched the Swachh Bharat-Swachh Haryana scheme to enhance the effectiveness of Prime Minister's Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.

The Chief Minister was presiding over a review meeting regarding solid waste management in Municipal Corporations, Municipal Councils, and Municipal committees here today. The meeting was attended by Transport Minister Sh Moolchand Sharma, Urban Local Bodies Minister Dr. Kamal Gupta and Minister of State for Labour Sh Anup Dhanak.

Sh Manohar Lal directed officials to install weighing machines at the entry and exit points of vehicles transporting garbage, ensuring contractors are paid based on the actual weight. He also said that any bio products derived from waste should also be marketed. In major cities like Gurugram, Faridabad, and Ambala, the Chief Minister recommended employing drone technology to monitor garbage disposal projects. This would help determine the precise amount of waste reaching the dumping point.

While addressing the strengthening and expansion of the sewerage system alongside waste management, the Chief Minister instructed officials to lay new sewerage lines in cities with outdated systems. This step aims to facilitate the smooth drainage of urban water.

The Urban Local Body Flying Squad will comprise officers and employees, including police DSPs, Inspectors, and Sub-Inspectors. Similar to the CM Flying Squad, which conducts raids in response to corruption complaints or concerns about irregularities in various departments, the Urban Local Body Flying Squad will also conduct raids. These raids will focus on solid waste plants, door-to-door garbage collection, and inspections of vehicles at entry points for waste evacuation. This initiative aims to address and curb potential irregularities in waste management processes.

Chief Minister himself monitoring every tender

To ensure transparency in the tender process, the Chief Minister is overseeing each tender personally. Contractors now have the opportunity to directly engage with the high-powered Procurement Committee and Work Allocation Committee for negotiations. This approach has not only introduced transparency to the procurement process but has also resulted in the government achieving savings of up to 30 percent compared to the rates initially proposed in the tender.

Additional Chief Secretary of Finance Department Sh Anurag Rastogi, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Sh V Umashankar, Principal Secretary of Transport Department Sh Navdeep Virk, Commissioner and Secretary of Urban Local Bodies Department Sh Vikas Gupta and officials of other departments were present in the meeting.


Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra is an easy medium for disseminating the benefits of Antyodaya upliftment schemes

The Ujjwala Yojana is a boon for women- Devender Singh Babli

Development and Panchayats Minister gave stove and cylinder to women under Ujjwala Yojana in Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra

Chandigarh December 6- The 'Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra' became an easy medium to deliver the benefits of welfare schemes like the Antyodaya initiatives. During the Yatra, the Haryana Development and Panchayat Minister, Sh. Devender Singh Babli participated as the chief guest at an event in Tohana's villages Akanwali and Kulan.

He distributed free gas cylinders, stoves, and regulators under the Ujjwala Yojana, calling it a boon for women.

While addressing the gathering, the Minister highlighted the significant impact of initiatives like Ujjwala Yojana, providing relief to underprivileged women by offering free gas connections to replace traditional cooking methods.

He emphasised that the Modi administration spent the previous nine years focusing on reducing poverty, as evidenced by initiatives such as building toilets in poor households, providing pucca houses, launching cleanliness and water schemes like Jal Jeevan Mission and Har Ghar Nal Se Jal Schemes. The Minister also mentioned financial aid of Rs.6,000 being deposited into farmers' accounts on an annual basis by the Central and State Governments to increase self-reliance in buying seeds and fertilisers.

Additionally, he highlighted the Jan Dhan accounts for the poor were opened, into which all government assistance is transferred without tampering via DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer). A short film about the accomplishments of the Central and Haryana governments was also shown during this programme. A drone show was also organized as part of the programme to introduce the villagers to the latest advances in technology.

The 'Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra' programme included stalls, information desks, and awareness camps by various departments and agencies to expand access to information and services for the beneficiaries.


Deputy CM honors swimming players and initiates plans for village Swimming Pool, Also announced Library in Julana

Chandigarh, December 6 – Haryana Deputy Chief Minister, Sh Dushyant Chautala laid the foundation stone for the Naugama Khap Chabutra in the Ramrai village in the Jind district and announced a grant of Rs 11 lakh. He was visiting Ramrai, Gatauli, Julana villages of Julana assembly constituency today.

The Deputy Chief Minister highlighted that the government has invested Rs 160 crore in drainage projects to manage rainwater in the region, directing it to the Ghaggar River. In response to the villagers' request, he mentioned that if the Primary Health Center (PHC) in the village meets all criteria, it will be upgraded to a Community Health Center (CHC) soon.

Addressing the demand for a swimming pool in Ramrai village, he acknowledged the exceptional swimming talent in the village and encouraged officials to submit a proposal for a swimming pool to headquarters. Additionally, he urged the Gram Panchayat to take steps for the development of a separate swimming pool for girls through Zila Parishad. During the visit, he also felicitated the village's swimming champions.

During a public meeting held in Gatauli village, the Deputy Chief Minister said that a gymnasium in the village using HRDF (Haryana Rural Development Fund) will soon be constructed. After declaring the school buildings running in the village as condemned, it will be rebuilt under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. He said that any village resident can submit the problem related to the construction of village street on the Gram Darshan portal. He said that now the National Highway will be opened directly from Julana towards Panipat which will directly benefit the residents of Julana.

The Deputy Chief Minister received a warm welcome during the program organized at Brahmin Dharamshala in Julana. The Brahmin Sabha expressed gratitude for the allocation of land for the Dharamshala. The Deputy CM discussed plans to establish a library in Julana and announced upcoming projects for the reconstruction of roads within Julana city, including the construction of drains on both sides for effective wastewater drainage. He further disclosed that the chowk in Julana city would be named after Lord Parshuram.

During his address, he reflected on the progress in Jind district, noting that it was previously considered a backward district. The current government has undertaken development projects worth crores of rupees in the district, including the foundation of a Medical College. A 19-storey Medical College building, the tallest government building in Haryana, has been constructed in Jind, following the models of Gurugram and Faridabad. He said that the OPD services would commence in March 2024.


Today at the residence of Haryana Home and Health Minister, Sh. Anil Vij, in Ambala, a significant representation unfolded as hundreds of lawyers from Sirsa emphatically urged against connecting two police stations with Dabwali Court.

Chandigarh, December 6- Today at the residence of Haryana Home and Health Minister, Sh. Anil Vij, in Ambala, a significant representation unfolded as hundreds of lawyers from Sirsa emphatically urged against connecting two police stations with Dabwali Court. Responding promptly to this appeal, Home Minister Sh. Anil Vij relayed the matter to the ACS and the Home Department, directing the DGP to conduct a thorough investigation.

Sh. Vij engaged in a comprehensive interaction with citizens from every corner of the state at his Ambala residence this Wednesday. During this forum, a substantial delegation of lawyers from the Sirsa Bar Association, articulating their concerns, approached Home Minister, Sh. Anil Vij. The legal fraternity expressed their reservations regarding the linkage of Badagudha and Rodi police stations in Sirsa with Dabwali court, asserting that such a move would adversely impact the residents of numerous villages within both police station jurisdictions. The lawyers highlighted the additional burden of having to travel several kilometers to Dabwali from Sirsa for legal proceedings. In response, Home Minister, Sh. Anil Vij assured the lawyers of taking appropriate actions in the case.

Similarly, a distressing case was brought forward by a staff nurse from Sonipat, who voiced concerns about the lack of action following an assault on her, coupled with alleged threats from the perpetrators. In response, the Home Minister promptly directed the Sonipat Police Commissioner to establish an SIT and conduct a thorough investigation.

"Home Minister, Sh. Anil Vij formed an SIT under the leadership of Railway ADGP and directed to investigate the suicide case in Panipat."

A grievous complaint was lodged by an individual from Panipat, citing eviction from his in-laws' house after his sister's marriage, leading to his father's tragic suicide. Although the GRP had registered a case based on the recovered suicide note, no subsequent actions were taken. Seeking justice, the complainant urged the arrest of the accused and stringent legal action. Responding to this, Home Minister, Sh. Anil Vij promptly constituted an SIT under the leadership of the ADGP of GRP and instructed them to take necessary actions in the matter.

Likewise, a female doctor from Rohtak accused her husband in Ambala of harassment and falsely implicating her in a case. Acting swiftly, the Home Minister instructed the Ambala SP to conduct a thorough investigation. Other cases involving fake assault charges, check bounce allegations, land fraud accusations, and house intrusion claims from Karnal, Sonipat, Panipat, and Yamunanagar respectively were also addressed. Home Minister, Sh. Anil Vij directed the concerned officials to take prompt action in each case.


"Home Minister, Sh. Anil Vij provided Rs 31,000 as an incentive to the team participating in the Kudo Martial Arts Competition."

In a commendable gesture, Home Minister Sh. Anil Vij extended financial support by providing Rs 31 thousand from his voluntary fund as an incentive to the victorious Haryana players who secured numerous medals in the National Kudo Martial Arts Competition held in Surat. Kudo team president Hemant Sharma, team coach Rajinder Singh, along with the players and their parents, expressed gratitude to Home Minister Sh. Anil Vij during their meeting today. Minister, Sh. Vij extended his blessings to the players and wished them success in their future endeavors.


"Home Minister, Sh. Anil Vij formed an SIT under the leadership of Railway ADGP and directed to investigate the suicide case in Panipat."

A grievous complaint was lodged by an individual from Panipat, citing eviction from his in-laws' house after his sister's marriage, leading to his father's tragic suicide. Although the GRP had registered a case based on the recovered suicide note, no subsequent actions were taken. Seeking justice, the complainant urged the arrest of the accused and stringent legal action. Responding to this, Home Minister, Sh. Anil Vij promptly constituted an SIT under the leadership of the ADGP of GRP and instructed them to take necessary actions in the matter.

Likewise, a female doctor from Rohtak accused her husband in Ambala of harassment and falsely implicating her in a case. Acting swiftly, the Home Minister instructed the Ambala SP to conduct a thorough investigation. Other cases involving fake assault charges, check bounce allegations, land fraud accusations, and house intrusion claims from Karnal, Sonipat, Panipat, and Yamunanagar respectively were also addressed. Home Minister, Sh. Anil Vij directed the concerned officials to take prompt action in each case.