International Gita Mahotsav will be celebrated in Kurukshetra from 7th to 24th December - Chief Minister Manohar Lal

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar will inaugurate the main program on December 17

Chief Minister urges citizens to unite in reciting Gita on Gita Jayanti, December 23rd at 11 am

Fair authority will be formed to organize Gita Mahotsav

The statue of Lord Shri Krishna will be made from the soil of the pilgrimage sites of 48 Kos Kurukshetra

Chandigarh, Dec 5 – Once again, the sacred land of Kurukshetra, the cradle of Indian culture and the birthplace of the 'Shrimad Bhagwad Gita,' is set to witness a divine convergence of spirituality, culture, and art. The grand event of the International Gita Mahotsav - 2023 is scheduled to take place from December 7 to December 24, where the timeless teachings of the Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta will be illuminated.

In a press conference here today, Chief Minister Sh Manohar Lal expressed that akin to the Constitution of India being regarded as the Gita of the government system, he personally perceives the Gita as a constitution that imparts guiding principles for life.

He said that this year, Assam will actively participate as a partner state in the International Gita Mahotsav.

Sh Manohar Lal highlighted that during visit to Kurukshetra in 2014, Prime Minister Sh Narendra Modi expressed the commitment to make every possible effort to recognize Kurukshetra as a significant center for the teachings of the Gita. Following the Prime Minister's guidance, the Haryana Government has been organizing the Gita Mahotsav at the international level in Kurukshetra since 2016, which has gained tremendous success and popularity over the past seven years. In 2019, the festival expanded its reach beyond the country, celebrated in Mauritius and London. Additionally, it took place in Canada in September 2022, and this year, there are plans to organize the International Gita Mahotsav in United States of America in the month of April.

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar will inaugurate the main program

The Chief Minister informed that the main program of the International Gita Mahotsav will commence on December 17. The Vice President, Sh Jagdeep Dhankhar, will officially inaugurate the festival with Gita Yajna and worship at Brahma Sarovar on the same day. Following this, he will also inaugurate the three-day International Gita Seminar at Kurukshetra University. The seminar, scheduled to run until December 19, will witness the participation of Gita enthusiasts, scholars, and researchers from India and abroad. They will present their research papers on the theme of world peace and harmony, inspired by the teachings of Shrimad Bhagvad Gita. The Chief Minister expressed confidence that this seminar will play a pivotal role in spreading the significance of the Gita's message across the globe.

Fair authority will be formed to organize Gita Mahotsav

Sh Manohar Lal shared that the International Gita Mahotsav Fair is progressing towards financial self-sustainability. In a strategic move akin to the organization of the Kumbh Mela, a dedicated fair authority will be established for the International Gita Mahotsav. This autonomous body will independently organize and manage the event. The government will appoint a fair officer to oversee the arrangements, while the fair authority will take charge of planning and executing the festival.

On 23rd December at 11 am, all citizens should recite Gita together for one minute

Sh Manohar Lal has urged all the residents of the state to come together and recite the Gita shaloka collectively for one minute at 11 am on December 23rd, in honor of Gita Jayanti. During this brief session, participants are encouraged to recite three verses from the Gita. All citizens are invited to partake in this Gita lesson either from their homes or workplaces, with the option to connect through the Gieo Gita app for a shared experience.

Crafts and Saras Fair

The Chief Minister sated that the International Gita Mahotsav will kick off with a Crafts and Saras mela on the banks of the holy Brahmasarovar of Kurukshetra on December 7. This fair will showcase the talents of nationally renowned artists and craftsmen. A dedicated Haryana Pavilion, featuring folk dance, crafts, small-scale industries, and local cuisine, will be established to acquaint tourists and pilgrims with the rich culture of Haryana.

Additionally, exhibitions highlighting the development and progress of Haryana will be organized by various departments, providing valuable information about government welfare schemes and regional advancements. To maximize the visitor experience, the festival will span 18 days this year, up from the previous duration of 16 days. Gita Utsav programs will be held in every district for two days on December 22 and 23. Indian Council for Cultural Affairs (ICCR) will also participate in this Mahotasav, he added.

The statue of Lord Shri Krishna will be made from the soil of 48 Kos Kurukshetra pilgrimage sites

Sh Manohar Lal said that on December 23, a conference focusing on the pilgrimages within the 48 Kos Kurukshetra will take place at Kurukshetra University. Representatives from 164 pilgrimage committees in Kurukshetra will participate, bringing soil and water from their respective pilgrimages to later create an idol of Lord Krishna. On the same day, Gita Jayanti, a global Gita recitation will be led by 18,000 students in Kurukshetra. To commemorate Gita Jayanti, Deepotsav will be organized at all 164 pilgrimage sites in Kurukshetra on December 23.

The Chief Minister said that fun fair activities will be organized for devotees in the fair area from December 7 to 24. Students will have the opportunity to participate in various competitions, including Rangoli, clay modeling, Sanjhi, pot decoration, fancy dress, tableau, and poster making, scheduled from December 17 to 24. To engage participants further, an online Gita quiz competition has been ongoing since November 26 and will continue until December 6. Over 70000 citizens, including students, have registered for this online competition, reflecting the widespread interest in the event. In addition, a successful Gita Marathon was organized in Kurukshetra on December 3, further contributing to the festival's vibrancy.

In today's turbulent times, the relevance of the Gita holds greater significance - Swami Gyananand Ji Maharaj

On this occasion, Swami Gyananand Ji Maharaj said that Lord Shri Krishna delivered the holy message of the Gita to all of humanity on the sacred land of Kurukshetra around 5160 years ago. He expressed that the Gita is a source of contemplation for all living beings and, in today's world marked by conflict and unrest, its relevance is even more significant. Swami Gyananand Ji Maharaj acknowledged the efforts of Chief Minister Sh Manohar Lal in establishing Gita Jayanti as the International Gita Mahotsav since 2016. This initiative has led to Kurukshetra being recognized not only as the land of Mahabharata but also as the birthplace of the Gita across the globe.

Member Secretary of Kurukshetra Development Board, Mr. Vikas Gupta, Additional Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister and Director General of Information, Public Relations, Language and Culture Department, Dr. Amit Agrawal, Political Advisor to the Chief Minister, Mr. Bharat Bhushan Bharti, Media Secretary Mr. Praveen Attrey, Chief Media Coordinator Mr. Sudesh Kataria, Additional Director (Administration) of Information, Public Relations, Language and Culture Department Mr. Vivek Kalia and officials of Kurukshetra Development Board were also present on this occasion.

For the first time, honors bestowed upon Artists who staged Ramlila and Ramlila Committee officials in Haryana

Chief Minister Manohar Lal called upon Shri Ram devotees to become Nasha Mukt Prahri

Youth should be inspired to stay away from drugs through public awareness – Manohar Lal

Prime Minister to inaugurate Shri Ram Temple on January 22, a second Diwali celebration for all - Manohar Lal

Manohar Lal launches portal of Mukhyamantri Teerth Yatra Yojana

The first batch will leave for Ayodhya after January 22 – Manohar Lal

Chandigarh, Dec 5 – Acknowledging the important role played by saints and mahatmas in the societal development of Haryana, the state government, after the launch of Saint Mahapurush Samman and Vichar Prachar-Prasar Yojana, now making a new beginning today as devotees of Shri Ram, including the artists who presented the Ramlila and the officials of the Ramlila Committee, were recognized and honored. Chief Minister Sh Manohar Lal bestowed honors upon more than 325 Ramlila Committee officials and artists during a program held at Purushottapura Bagh in Kurukshetra district.

Mukhyamantri Teerth Yatra Yojna portal launched

In Haryana, the Mukhyamantri Teerth Yatra Yojana is specifically designed for the elderly members of economically disadvantaged families, offering them the opportunity to visit pilgrimage sites at no cost. Under this scheme, individuals aged 60 years and above from Below Poverty Line families will be eligible for free pilgrimages. Today, the Chief Minister officially inaugurated the portal for this initiative. He said that since the launch of portal, one railway bogie has already been booked. He further announced that the first batch is scheduled to embark on a journey to Ayodhya after January 22. Emphasizing the success of the scheme, the Chief Minister expressed intentions to expand its scope in the future.

Chief Minister called upon Shri Ram devotees to become Nasha Mukt Prahari

During this event, the Chief Minister urged devotees of Shri Ram to serve as drug-free ambassadors, emphasizing the need to convey an anti-drug message to the youth through their theatrical performances. He stressed that combating social evils like drug addiction requires the collective effort in society. Drawing parallels with the successful Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao campaign initiated by Prime Minister Sh Narendra Modi in Panipat on January 22, 2015, the Chief Minister highlighted the importance of both government initiatives and the involvement of social and religious organizations in achieving positive outcomes. He said the transformation of Haryana from a state once stigmatized for female feticide to one recognized for saving daughters. Similarly, in the fight against drug addiction, the Chief Minister advocated for public awareness and the rehabilitation of individuals from drug abuse, connecting them to mainstream of society through de-addiction centers. He called upon the people to contribute significantly to this noble cause by becoming vigilant advocates for a drug-free society.

He said that the government is actively pursuing strict measures to dismantle the nefarious designs of drug suppliers and those engaged in such activities. He highlighted the successful efforts in seizing narcotics, with drugs valued at over Rs 140 crore confiscated and destroyed in the past year. Additionally, the properties of 90 individuals involved in the drug trade have been demolished, and legal actions have led to the imprisonment of these individuals.

The Chief Minister said that Shri Ram is not just a word, but it has so much power in that. He said that the power of Shri Ram is so immense that even if the word "Ram" is inscribed on a stone, it remains afloat in water. While Ramlilas depict the divine deeds of Maryada Purushottam Shri Ram, the Chief Minister commended the artists, emphasizing the often-underestimated impact of their work. These artists play a vital role in educating society, preserving cultural connections, and imparting lessons on leading righteous lives, guarding against social evils.

The Chief Minister also acknowledged the historic moment of constructing the Shri Ram Temple in Ayodhya after a prolonged struggle, deeming it a source of pride for every citizen. He informed that Prime Minister Sh Narendra Modi will inaugurate the grand Shri Ram Temple on January 22, 2024, marking a celebration akin to a second Diwali on that auspicious day.

Development work worth Rs 4000 crore done in Kurukshetra - MLA Subhash Sudha

On this occasion, MLA Sh Subhash Sudha commended the Chief Minister for organizing a felicitation ceremony for the devotees of Shri Ram, highlighting that it is the first of its kind in the state. He extended his congratulations to the Chief Minister for this initiative. Sh Sudha acknowledged the various efforts undertaken by the state government to elevate Kurukshetra's status on the global stage. Under the leadership of Chief Minister Sh Manohar Lal, significant developmental projects amounting to Rs 4000 crore have been implemented in Kurukshetra. He also highlighted the installation of a grand statue of Lord Shri Krishna in Jyotisar as one of the notable achievements.

CM elevating Haryana's Cultural Heritage to Global prominence through strategic initiatives – Dr. Amit Agrawal

On this occasion, Additional Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister and Director General of the Information, Public Relations, Language, and Culture Department, Dr. Amit Agrawal extended a warm welcome to Chief Minister Sh Manohar Lal and other distinguished guests. He highlighted the uniqueness of today's program, which honours Shri Ram devotees, officials of Ramlila committees, and artists.

Dr. Agrawal said that significant strides have been made in the past nine years under the Chief Minister's guidance to showcase Haryana's cultural heritage on the global stage. The annual International Gita Mahotsav is being organized at the sacred land of Kurukshetra, where Lord Shri Krishna imparted the eternal message of the Gita. With the efforts of Chief Minister, Gita Mahotsav is now celebrated in foreign countries, reflecting the state's commitment to sharing its cultural richness with the world. He further highlighted various government initiatives, including the restoration of the Saraswati river and the development of Rakhigarhi and Agroha, aimed at presenting Haryana's cultural heritage on a global scale. The Chief Minister is actively showcasing our invaluable cultural heritage to the entire world.

Dr. Agrawal commended the Chief Minister's dedicated mission to eradicate the menace of drugs from society. On his birthday, the Chief Minister invited saints and mahatmas to his residence, urging their cooperation in this noble endeavor.

CM Manohar Lal is the first Chief Minister who prioritize Society over Politics – Tarun Bhandari

Mr. Tarun Bhandari, Publicity Advisor in the Department of Information, Public Relations, Language, and Culture, expressed gratitude to Chief Minister Sh Manohar Lal and said that no Chief Minister had ever conceived such a program. He praised Sh Manohar Lal as the first Chief Minister prioritizing societal concerns over politics. The Chief Minister, demonstrating his commitment to social welfare, marked his birthday by inviting sages, saints, and mahatmas to his residence, seeking their collaboration in combatting the menace of drug addiction in society. This exemplifies the Chief Minister's character, focused on the constructive development of society.

On this occasion, Additional Director General of Police, Haryana State Narcotics Control Bureau (Headquarters) Sh. OP Singh provided comprehensive details regarding the efforts taken by the police in the drug-free Haryana campaign. He emphasized the importance of empowering the youth with skills and the ability to work as a deterrent against falling into drug abuse. By acquiring skills, the youth can lead a happy life without succumbing to the challenges associated with drug dependency. He said that such programs will also be organized at the village level, due to which Haryana, the country and humanity will progress.

During the program, the Chief Minister also administered an oath to the people, urging them to break free from drug addiction and inspire others to avoid the pitfalls of substance abuse. The program also featured a performance by the renowned singer Sh Kanhaiya Mittal, whose soul-stirring bhajan left the audience deeply moved and emotionally engaged.

Haryana Government, in coordination with the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, is set to facilitate the handing over of the existing 2-lane Railway Overbridge (ROB) situated at Railway RD 81/0-1 on NH-709 (Extn.) in Bhiwani Town to the Railway Department.
Chandigarh, December 5 - Haryana Government, in coordination with the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, is set to facilitate the handing over of the existing 2-lane Railway Overbridge (ROB) situated at Railway RD 81/0-1 on NH-709 (Extn.) in Bhiwani Town to the Railway Department. This strategic collaboration paves the way for the construction of a new 2-lane ROB by the Railway Department.

Chief Minister Sh. Manohar Lal, has granted administrative approval for a collaborative effort with the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways and the Railway Department here today.

Giving more information in this regard, an official spokesperson stated that the existing 2-lane Railway Overbridge (ROB) is in the distressed condition. In view of it the new construction is currently the need of the hour. The government has laid out essential conditions for the handover, ensuring the removal of encroachments within the Right of Way (ROW), handling future litigations for the specified stretch, and proper disposal of rainwater in the area.

The spokesperson informed that as per the Ministry's policy dated April 23, 2015, the bypass emphasizes that a section of the National Highway bypassed by a new route would no longer be part of the National Highway network and becomes the responsibility of the State Government. As the Bhiwani Bypass is already operational, the responsibility for improvement and maintenance of the bypassed portion lies with the State Government.

He further stated that after considering all these factors, the Haryana Government has decided that the existing ROB will be handed over to the Railway Department, with the condition that the department ensures adequate traffic diversion arrangements before dismantling the bridge. This collaborative effort exemplifies the commitment of the Haryana Government to robust infrastructure development and the safety and efficiency of transportation networks in the region.

The Haryana Government looks forward to the successful execution of this collaborative initiative, contributing significantly to the enhancement of transportation infrastructure in Bhiwani Town.


Haryana Government Transfer Seven IAS and Five HCS Officers

Chandigarh December 5 - Haryana Government has issued transfer and posting orders of seven IAS and five HCS officers with immediate effect.

According to the orders issued by Chief Secretary here today, Lakshit Sareen OSD Olo Deputy Commissioner, Ambala (Designate) has been posted as Sub Divisional Officer (Civil) (SDO) (C), Ambala Cantt and Estate Officer for the Management of Government Land in Excised Area, Ambala Cantt, vice Satinder Swatch, HCS who has proceeded on leave.

Narendra Kumar OSD Olo Deputy Commissioner, Faridabad (Designate) has been posted as SDO (C), Palwal relieving Shashi Vasundhra (HCS).

Nisha, OSD Olo Deputy Commissioner, Panchkula (Designate) will be the new SDO (C), Kalka, relieving Ruchi Singh Bedi, HCS who has become Joint Director (Establishment), Housing for All cum-Secretary, Housing Board and Additional Mission Director, Mukhya Mantri Antyodaya Parivaar Utthaan Yojana (MMAPUY).

Sonu Bhatt, OSD Olo Deputy Commissioner, Hisar has been posted as SDO (C) Nanaund vice Vikas Yadav who becomes Zonal Administrator, HSAMB, against a vacant post.

Vishwajeet Chaudhary, OSD Olo Deputy Commissioner, Gurugram (Designate) becomes SDO (C) Badshapur vice Satish Yadav who will be new Additional Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Manesar against a vacant post.

Vivek Arya, OSD Olo Deputy Commissioner, Rohtak (Designate) has been posted as Sub Divisional Officer (Civil), Jagadhri vice Rakesh Kumar Saini who has been posted as Joint Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Rohtak against a newly created post.

Yash Jaluka, OSD Olo Deputy Commissioner, Yamunanagar (Designate) will be new Sub Divisional Officer (Civil), Jagadhri vice Amit Kumar-1 who becomes Estate Officer, HSVP, Jagadhri, against a vacant post.


Enthusiastic response from Haryana residents to Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra

Thousands including Women daily joining the Yatra with enthusiasm

Yatra covers 96 Gram Panchayats and Wards

Meritorious students, players, and social workers rewarded, bringing happiness to parents

Chandigarh, Dec 5 – Haryana residents are enthusiastically participating in the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra which is not only disseminates information about the Central Government's public welfare schemes but also serves as a platform for citizens to address their concerns during the Jan Samvad program by informing the same to MPs, MLAs and officials. Numerous issues are being promptly addressed on the spot, with officials committed to resolving any issue or problems at the earliest.

It is noteworthy that Prime Minister Sh Narendra Modi envisions India as a developed nation by 2047. In alignment with this vision, the 'Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra' has been organized nationwide since November 15, 2023. Haryana Chief Minister Sh Manohar Lal has started 'Jan Samvad' program along with the Yatra, aimed at making the yatra more meaningful by actively addressing and resolving the concerns of the people. The Yatra has received a warm reception in every assembly, providing citizens with valuable information about leveraging the benefits of Central Government schemes.

Public Trust in the Yatra on the Rise

The sixth day of the Viksit Bharat Yatra is currently underway in Haryana. The yatra has successfully covered 96 gram panchayats and wards so far, with a notable attendance of more than 44,000 men and women. The active participation of ministers, MPs, MLAs, and officers visiting villages and resolving issues has significantly boosted people's confidence in the Yatra. In addition to addressing concerns, the yatra is recognizing and rewarding meritorious students, athletes, and social workers in the villages. This commendable initiative serves as an inspiration for individuals to contribute to the future development of their villages.

On-the-Spot Corrections: Family Identity Card errors swiftly rectified

The common man is now well-informed about the Chief Minister Manohar Lal's innovative eight-digit Parivar Pehchan Patra, which has gained recognition as a distinctive document. This unique identification has drawn interest from other states, prompting visits to Haryana for study purposes. The Parivar Pehchan Patra Card allows individuals to access scheme benefits from the comfort of their homes, reflecting the Chief Minister's visionary approach. During the ongoing yatra, people are taking advantage of the opportunity to rectify errors in their family identity cards. On the fifth day alone, 2,300 individuals visited the counters to correct errors in the Parivar Pehchan Patra. This highlights the significant impact and utility of the Parivar Pehchan Patra Card initiative.

Comprehensive health check- ups at doorstep

There is a noticeable awareness among the people regarding health checkups during the yatra. Individuals are pleased that information and tests related to Nirogi Haryana, Ayushman Bharat, Chirayu Haryana, and TB Mukt Bharat Yojana are conveniently accessible at their doorstep. This convenience has encouraged people to prioritize their health, resulting in 11,806 individuals undergoing health checkups. Specifically, 8,956 people have taken the initiative to get tested for TB.


Haryana Home Minister Facilitates Historic Renaming of 'Panjokhara' to 'Panjokhara Sahib

Chandigarh, December 05-Through the unwavering dedication of Haryana Home and Health Minister, Sh. Anil Vij, the name of the historical village "Panjokhara" in the Ambala Cantonment Assembly constituency has been changed to "Panjokhara Sahib" in accordance with its religious significance. Following the Central Government's approval to rename the village, the Haryana Government has today issued its notification.

Given the religious importance of Panjokhara village, the Home Minister, Sh. Anil Vij had previously discussed with the state government the possibility of changing the name to Panjokhara Sahib. Through his efforts, the Haryana Assembly session approved the proposal to rename Panjokhara as Panjokhara Sahib. This proposal was then forwarded by the state government to the central government to officially record the village's name as Panjokhara Sahib.

Panjokhara Sahib village adopted by the Home Minister

Home Minister, Sh. Anil Vij had earlier adopted Panjokhara Sahib village, and as a result of his endeavors, numerous development projects costing crores have been completed in the village. Panjokhara Sahib village is now set to be connected to the 40-kilometer-long ring road under construction in Ambala, providing additional benefits to both local residents and devotees traveling from distant places to visit the village. The Home Minister also improved the road for pilgrims traveling from Ambala Cantonment to Panjokhara Sahib. Additionally, the village streets and roads were paved and widened, street lights were installed, and the benefits of these improvements are now being enjoyed by both devotees and local residents. Under the Amrit Sarovar Scheme, the village pond has been cleaned, and boating is now available for visitors.

Historical Gurudwara Panjokhara Sahib, a center of devotion

Panjokhara Sahib, a revered center for devotees is the birthplace of the eighth Guru of the Sikhs, Sri Guru Har Kishan Sahib Maharaj, attracting devotees from both within the country and abroad. Due to the religious significance of this location, the process of renaming the village to Panjokhara Sahib was initiated by the Home Minister.


Haryana Urban Local Bodies Minister Advocates Parking Markings for Traffic Relief

Chandigarh, December 5 - Haryana Urban Local Bodies Minister, Dr. Kamal Gupta emphasized the importance of parking markings, citing its role in alleviating traffic congestion in busy areas.

In a meeting held today with Superintendent of Police, Mr. Mohit Handa in Hisar, Dr. Kamal Gupta discussed various aspects of parking, traffic, and road management under the 'Saaf City-Safe City' campaign. He stressed the need for distinct markings for parking spaces along the roadside to mitigate traffic congestion in city areas.

During the meeting, Dr. Kamal Gupta reviewed a presentation on the road system and safety, providing comprehensive information on traffic issues, rules, and signals in crowded locations.

Dr. Gupta expressed satisfaction with the swift progress toward transforming Hisar into a clean and safe city. To enhance the traffic system, he proposed the implementation of parking markings around government and private offices, parks, community centers, and banks. Additionally, he suggested the installation of lighting on all Municipal Corporation roads, accompanied by the application of white stripes and boundary lines using thermoplastic paint. Dr. Gupta emphasized the importance of effective cleanliness measures at every intersection and connecting road within the city, highlighting their role in reducing road accidents.


We all should take a pledge to make India a developed nation says Moolchand Sharma

Government's Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra-Jan Samvad programmes are getting immense public support

Chandigarh December 05- Haryana Higher Education and Transport Minister, Sh. Mool Chand Sharma said that we should take a pledge to make India a developed nation. He also highlighted the overwhelming support received during the 'Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra-Jan-Samvad' programmes, emphasising the need for maximum utilisation of government services.

Sh. Moolchand Sharma today participated as the chief guest in the 'Jan Samvad' programme of 'Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra' at the community hall of Faridabad.

He stated that camps of various government departments are being organised under this programme so that general public can take advantage of the public welfare schemes provided by the government . He stated that the problems of persons reaching these camps are being resolved on the spot.

He said that people are being provided government facilities under the digital scheme. These camps have been set up to provide Parivar pehchan Patra, pension, Aadhaar, health and other services to the people. Moreover, These camps aim to ensure the nationwide coverage of essential government projects, allowing every beneficiary timely access.

He stated that the Bharat Sankalp Yatra Jan Samvad programme, developed under the leadership of Prime Minister, Sh. Narendra Modi in the country and Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal in the state, addresses people's problems in urban and rural areas of the country through camps close to their homes. Every day,140 Yatras are made in the state.

Sh. Sharma also pledged to fulfil the dream of making India self-reliant and developed by 2047. Through programmes like 'Meri Kahani - Meri Zubani' pension beneficiaries shared their relief, highlighting the simplified process initiated by the Manohar government to facilitate pension distribution without hassles.

The 'Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra - Jan-Samvad' programme aims to ensure comprehensive access to major government schemes across the country, benefitting every citizen timely.


Haryana Development Minister Unveils Nine-Point Programme for Comprehensive Rural Development

Chandigarh, December 5 - Haryana Development and Panchayats Minister, Sh. Devender Singh Babli, said that the realization of India's development aspirations hinges on the progress of its villages. Addressing participants at the 'Developed India Sankalp Yatra-Jan Samvad' event in Jamalpur Shekha village, Tohana, he announced the initiation of a comprehensive nine-point program for holistic village development.

During the program, Sh. Babli rallied citizens to pledge their commitment to transform India into a fully developed and self-reliant nation by 2047. He also recognized and honored students and farmers for their outstanding contributions, presenting them with certificates. Emphasizing the pivotal role of Gram Sabha in rural development, Sh. Babli highlighted the strides taken under the Jal Jeevan Mission to provide tap water to every household in rural and remote areas.

The Minister outlined a nine-point program designed to deliver essential facilities to rural areas, aligning them with urban standards. He noted that the focus is now on holistic village development, extending beyond traditional aspects like streets, drains, and chaupals. Initiatives such as installing CCTV cameras in rural areas, door-to-door garbage collection campaigns, and the establishment of modern health wellness centers are underway. Shri Babli reiterated the government's commitment to prioritizing the real beneficiaries of both Central and State Government schemes, operating with an 'Antyodaya' spirit.

Highlighting schemes like the Chief Minister Antyodaya Parivar Utthan Yojana, which provides loans for self-employment and aims to increase family income to at least Rs 1 lakh 80 thousand, Sh. Babli underscored the government's dedication to reaching the doorstep of every needy individual. The Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra's primary goal is to connect people with the public welfare schemes of the Central and State Government, ensuring that those previously excluded from benefits are now included. The yatra showcases government schemes like Ayushman Bharat, Chirayu Card, Jan-Dhan Account, Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi, Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, and Swachh Bharat, among others. An LED-equipped van displaying government schemes toured villages and cities, raising awareness through stalls and exhibitions organized by various departments.

The event also featured competitions for university, college, and school students to encourage youth participation, with winning students receiving rewards.

Officers from various departments and public representatives attended the occasion, making it a comprehensive initiative to connect with the public and promote awareness of government initiatives.


Haryana Women and Child Development Minister Distributes Gas Connections and Ayushman Cards in Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra

Chandigarh, December 5 - The Haryana Women and Child Development Minister, Smt. Kamlesh Dhanda has highlighted the commitment of Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi to the development and empowerment of India. During the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra campaign in the villages of Kurad and Dhoondhwa in the Kalayat Vidhan Sabha constituency, the Minister distributed gas connections and Ayushman cards to beneficiaries of various schemes.

Smt. Kamlesh Dhanda conducted an inspection at stalls set up by various departments in government schools at Kurad village and Dhoondhwa village in Kaithal district today. After obtaining feedback from beneficiaries, the Minister interacted with the rural population.

The Women and Child Development Minister said that Prime Minister, Sh. Narendra Modi has initiated this Yatra as a meaningful step towards the development of the nation. The aim of this yatra is to provide the benefits of welfare schemes to all sections of society on the spot. She remarked that Prime Minister has worked on key points to make the country developed and capable over the last nine and a half years. Continuous efforts have been made for the upliftment of women, youth, farmers, and the impoverished, aiming to set an example on the global stage.

She said that the state government has worked to uplift over 130 million people from the poverty line, ensuring their progress beyond the boundary of destitution. The sanitation coverage in villages, which was only 40 percent before 2014, has now reached nearly 100 percent. The Minister pointed out that before 2014, gas connections in villages were only 50-55 percent, but now it has increased to almost 100 percent. Today, everyone is benefiting equally and with equal enthusiasm from government schemes.

Smt. Kamlesh Dhanda said that under this Yatra, the government is reaching every village and city to ensure that every eligible person, be it poor, deprived, or needy, receives the benefit of government schemes. On this occasion, the Minister handed out gas connections and gas cylinders under the Ujjwala scheme and Ayushman Golden Cards as part of the Ayushman Bharat Yojana.


Haryana Designates Link Officers for Smooth Functioning of the Haryana Right to Service Commission

Chandigarh, December 5: In order to ensure the smooth functioning of the Haryana Right to Service Commission, the Chief Secretary has issued orders designating the Joint Director (Admn.), Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs as Link Officer 1 and Joint Director (Admn.), Tourism as Link Officer 2 for the Secretary, Haryana Right to Commission Service.

The order stipulates that the Link Officers will perform the duties of the Secretary, Haryana Right to Commission Service during his leave, training, tour, election duty, or absence for more than two days due to any other reason, or in the event of a vacancy arising from the retirement or transfer of the Secretar


Haj Pilgrimage Registration Open for Haryana Residents

Chandigarh, December 5 - The All India Haj Committee, through the Haryana State Haj Committee has invited applications for the registration of Haj pilgrims intending to perform the pilgrimage from Haryana in 2024. Interested individuals can apply online until December 20, 2023, through the official website or the "Haj Suvidha" mobile app.

Giving detailed information in this regard, Executive Officer, Haryana State Haj Committee, Sh. Subhan Din Bhatti informed that Indian Haj Committee, Mumbai has issued new guidelines for performing Haj pilgrimage in the year 2024.

Repeat Pilgrimage with Mehram

According to the Haj Policy 2024, if a lady pilgrim or a pilgrim above 70 years of age wishes to go on Haj with a repeater as "Mehram," they must provide a solemn declaration and undertaking stating that no first-time "Mehram" is available in their family.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must be physically and mentally fit and possess a machine-readable Indian International passport. For applicants under the age of 18, the consent of parents or guardians is mandatory for performing Haj Pilgrimage.

Women's Accommodation and Travel Arrangements

Women applicants above 45 years of age who wish to perform the Haj pilgrimage but do not have a male Mehram are permitted to travel in groups of four or more women. The Consulate General of India, Jeddah, will also facilitate separate accommodation during the Haj pilgrimage. For women applicants in advanced stages of pregnancy, international flying standards will be followed.

Application Process and Assistance

Prospective Haj pilgrims are advised to carefully review the guidelines on the Haj Committee of India website before applying online. Applicants can contact the Haryana State Haj Committee at 0172-2996270 or the All India Haj Committee at 022-22107070 for assistance with the application process.