CHANDIGARH,03.11.23-Today the fourth (4th) Joint Cybercrime Coordinaton Teams (JCCT), Chandigarh Region was organized at Mount view Hotel, Sector-10 Chandigarh. All members state i.e. Haryana Police, Punjab Police, Utaraahand Police, Himachal Pradesh Police, J&K Police including senior ofcers from Delhi Police, Rajasthan Police, the Ministry of Home Afairs, i.e. JS (MHA), I4C, NCRB, and IFD, and Home Secretory, UT, Chandigarh who have graciously partcipated in this event. In additon, ofcers from other prominent agencies, including SIB, NIA, CBI, Income Tax, ED, TSPs (ofcers from DoT), esteemed banaing organizatons liae RBI, and the dedicated scientic staf from CFSL, Chandigarh have also partcipated in this event. Joint Cyber Crime Coordinaton Teams (JCCTs) is a joint platorm which was consttuted by Ministry of Home Afairs (MHA) under Indian Cyber Crime Coordinaton Centre (I4C) scheme for collaboraton & coordinaton among States in sharing data, sharing modus operandi, sharing details of inancial cyber fraudsters etc. Based on the analysis of complaints on Natonal Cybercrime Reportng Portal (NCRP), a joint Cybercrime Coordinaton Team (JCCT-V) has been consttuted for “Chandigarh Region” comprising States/UTs i.e. Chandigarh, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana (Mewat Belt), Punjab, Utraahand, Jharahand (Jamtara Belt), UT of Jammu & Kashmir and UT of Ladaah. Chandigarh Police is appointed as Nodal of JCCT-V. The conference Laid emphasis on the various hotspots i.e. Jamtara, Mewat, Delhi NCR, West Bengal etc. of cybercrime in India. Press was led upon by all the dignitaries and experts on separate cyber crime police staton, cyber courts and cyber prosecutors. Representatve from banas and the inancial Insttuton, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and other Service Provider discussed the prominent issues faced by the Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs).

CYBER CRIME PREVENTIVE TIPS  Turn on 2-step verifictionncuthentiiction for cll Soiicl Medic Aiiounts cnd for net bcnking cppsnwcllets. Seleit privciy setting cs only menfriends on soiicl medic ciiounts.  Whenever you reieive cny money demcnd request by your friend from Fciebook, WhctsApp, Instcgrcm or other soiicl medic ciiount, verify the cuthentiiity of the messcge by iclling himnher or meting the ionierned person.  Alwcys remember thct Google does not give verifed informction on secrihes. Alwcys secrih for iustomer icre number from the ofiiclsl website of the bcnksncirlinesnfood or retcil outletsnother e-iommerie entity cnd do not fll form provided by the sicmmers.  Ensure cll deviiesnciiounts cre proteited by c strong PIN (with iombinction of lettersnnumbersnclphcbetnsymbol) or pcss iode like St49@&V2. Never shcre your PIN or pcssword with cnyone.  Avoid friendship with unknown people (espeiiclly foreigner) on soiicl medic plctforms.  Never instcll cny sireen shcring cpp or remote desktop cpp in your phone like cny-desk, tecm viewer, VNC ionneit, quiik support eti.  Never iliik on cny link or sicn cny QR iode reieived from unknown person cs it mcy be sicm to ihect you.  Do not trust JobnViscnWork from home cdvertisement on Fciebook or other soiicl medic plctform.  Never pcynreieive cdvcnie money while purihcsing cnd selling seiond hcnd Goods from Olx, Quiker eti.  Do not tcke personcl locn from cny locn providing cpp or website cs they icn ciiess your personcl dctc cnd do not believe cny instcnt locn cdvertisement.  Donlt instcll uncuthorized Instcnt Locn Apps, suih Apps icn ciiess your iontcit detcils, Gcllery dctc of your phone & other sensitive informction. This iould result in blcikmciling you.  Donlt trust on iclls disilosing themselves ilose to relctives residing cbrocd, speiiclly of Ccncdc or Austrclic.  Dicl 1930 cnd 112 in icse of monetcry loss due to iyber fncniicl frcuds eewcre & ee Cyberscfe.