CHANDIGARH,15.07.21-This is an advance pose to be practiced after mastering BHUJANGASANA. Here Poorna means full and so it is called full cobra pose.

It keeps the spine supple and healthy. On a pranic level , this asna has a strong effect on all the organs related to SWADHISTHANA,MANIPURA, ANAHATA and VISHUDDHI CHAKRAS.
Take the position of BHUJANGASANA. Holding the position breath in and out normally for a few times.
Bend the knees and raise the feet.
Stretch the head , neck and shoulders back a little farther and try to touch the back of the head with the toes or heels of the feet. This is the final position. Hold the position for as long as comfortable. The holding period can be extended with practice.( photos above showing this asna are of JYOTI TIWARI)
To return to the starting position, lower the feet.
Relax in BHUJANGASANA for a few seconds. Release the pose and relax with the arms by the sides of the body and the head turned to one side.
This is one round. Practice upto 3 rounds
After completing each round allow the respiration and heartbeat to return to normal.

Inhale while assuming BHUJANGASANA.
Exhale while raising the toes to touch the head.
Breathe normally in the final position. Exhale while returning to BHUJANGASANA and while returning to the prone position.
PHYSICAL AWARENESS on relaxing the spine and on the stretch in the abdominal and chest area.

Those suffering from peptic ulcer, hernia, intestinal tuberculosis or hyperthyroidism should practice only under the supervision of a trained yoga teacher. Those with any back conditions, cervical spondylitis, high blood pressure or heart conditions should not practice this asna.

It keeps the spine supple and healthy. It tones the ovaries and uterus and is beneficial for all abdominal organs, especially the liver and kidneys. On a pranic level, this asna has a strong effect on all the organs related to Swadhisthana, manipura, anahata and Vishuddhi chakras.

Naturopath & Yoga Therapist
Chairman Chandigarh Yoga Association
( Affiliated to Yoga Federation Of India)