Mumbai,28.12.17-The release of upcoming Hindi movie Medal- pet nahi bharta has been postponed to release on 19th Jan, 2018.  Under the banner of G.K. Entertainment, Medal – pet nahi bharta is starring Muzahid Khan, Indrisha Basu, Tanushri Basak, and Ajay Sharma. Medal is produced by G.K. Entertainment and directed, written and produced by Ganesh Mehta. The Cinematographer of the film  is Eugene D’souza, edited by Ashish Amrute. and background score is given by Aditya Chakravarty, action by Zood Rodriguez and choreography by Shibu Chatterjee and Hari Naidu. . The film producer and director Ganesh Mehta is also the music director of the film. The film was shot at Allahabad, Bilaspur and in Mumbai.
 The film is all about the economical crisis faced by the talented players of our country, due to administrative and political apathy towards sports and players. The movie focuses on Jeetu’s hard labour and dedication for the gold medal but the darker side behind the world of sports also goes hand in hand. The film is very emotional, motivational for the young crowd as well as it also shows the darker side of the bright world of sports. This movie will awaken the sports administration from slumber and should take steps in the benefits of the players.